This Privacy Policy shall be applicable to all «Mar Azul Residences» premises and/or digital environments owned by Mar Azul.
Where the terms “Mar Azul Residences”, “Mar Azul”, “we”, or “us”, mentioned in this Privacy Policy, they shall refer to the limited partnership (LP) under the name “MICHAEL –ANGELOS VARTHAKOURIS AND CO LP” with the distinctive title «ΜΑR AZUL», based in Voula, Attica, 24-26 Troias Street, email:, tel: 00306956576828, 00306947203000, website:
At Mar Azul Residences we guarantee our commitment to respecting and protecting your privacy, as well as safeguarding your personal data. Our vision and goal is the provision of services that exceed your highest expectations. Therefore, Mar Azul with respect to the applicable national and European legal framework about data protection, especially the new European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) provides you hereby a lawful, fair and transparent policy in order to inform you about the personal data we collect, how we use it, and how the use of this information can benefit your experience while visiting our premises and/or our website.
We are dedicated to achieving transparency of the collection and use of your personal data, therefore we wish to provide you via this Privacy Policy with information about:
- what personal data we collect and how we use them,
- the purposes we process your personal data and the relevant legal basis under which we process your personal data,
- your rights related to your personal data.
This Privacy Policy aims to transparently inform you on the processing of your personal data. You can always find out more by contacting our Data Protection Officer at the contact details, as further described below.
What Personal Data we collect and how we use them
A1. Registration Data – Check-in procedure
When you arrive at Mar Azul Residences– Check-in procedure:
During your arrival at Mar Azul Residences, you will provide us with the necessary information for the check-in procedure. More specifically, we collect your title, your first and last name, your language, your address (street, postcode, city, country), your nationality, your telephone number, your email address, names of any (family) members that will accompany you and their date of birth, your date of birth, passport/ID number, car plate, your credit card details, arrival date and departure date as well room number.
Allergies/Special Preferences Declaration:
Allergies and special preferences may constitute in some cases sensitive personal data. We may collect such data only if you voluntarily provide us, or when we ask you to do so and you provide us your explicit consent.
If you wish to share with us your allergies or other preferences, we will ask you to provide us your consent to keep this data for your safety, convenience and esteemed personalized services. In such case, we will collect your name, surname, date of birth, arrival and departure date and room number, as well as any allergy or any preference request.
Purposes of processing – legal basis
We collect your registration data for:
- Completion of the registration procedure. Identification data is necessary in order to comply with our legal obligations.
- Serving your stay. Our legal basis is our legitimate interest. In case you wish to record your allergies/preferences information, we will proceed to relevant processing if you provide us your consent.
- Facilitating administration. Our legal basis is our legitimate interest.
- Facilitating payment procedure. Payment information is necessary in order to issue your invoice and comply with fiscal obligations
- Improving our services to offer you memorable stays. Our legal basis is our legitimate interest.
- Offering you personalized services (regarding preferences etc.). Our legal basis is your prior consent, if provided.
A2. Personal Data collected for Security reasons
We collect, process and store images through our video- surveillance systems (“CCTV systems”), where installed, for security reasons, pursuant to the requirements and standards set by the national and EU law for the retention of data, sound and images.
Purposes of processing – legal basis
We collect data for the operation of the CCTV system in order to guarantee the security of our employees, customers and establishments. Our legal basis is the legitimate interest.
Β. Personal Data of our business partners
If you are cooperating with us, we may process only the necessary data to fulfill our contractual agreement and serve our business relationship. We shall only collect Company’s data and/or Company’s contact persons’ data which are not considered as personal data or information. We may use the email address that you voluntarily provide us to inform your company about our business news as part of our cooperation.
Purposes of processing – legal basis
We use data you provide us as our business partners for:
- Serving our business relationship. These data do not constitute personal data, in any case if personal data are being processed, our legal basis is our legitimate interest.
- Inform you and your company about our business news in the context of our cooperation. Our legal basis is our legitimate interest.
C. Data Protection Officer
The company “Michael Angelos Varthakouris and Co.” with distinctive title «ΜΑR AZUL», informs that, for the purposes of its business activities, processes the personal data of its clients in accordance with applicable national law and European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”), as such is in force.
For any matter relating to the processing of personal data, contact the DPO, Mr. Michael Varthakouris, email: tel:00306947203000
In case you consider that we have not properly responded to your request, you can always contact the relevant Greek Data Protection Authority (
D. Information Security
Although, no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure, at Mar Azul Residences we have taken all commercially reasonable measures and precautions in order to maintain your data accuracy and to ensure the appropriate use of information we collect about you, as well as to secure and protect your personal information from unauthorized access, while you enjoy products and services we provide you during your physical presence in our premises or your visits in our website.
E. Retention Period of Personal Data
Your personal data is retained for a predetermined and limited period depending on the purpose of processing, after the end of which, these personal data is being deleted from our files unless another retention period is required or permitted by applicable law.
F. Updates to the Privacy Policy
We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time in order to meet changes in the regulatory environment, business needs, or to satisfy the needs of our visitors, properties, partners, and service providers. Updated versions will be uploaded to our website and date stamped so that you are always aware of when our Privacy Policy was last updated.
1st edition